Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 7: Trudy's on West 30th

Avocado + Fried + Stuffed with chicken + Topped with a whole mess of sour cream + cheese + more avocado + refried black beans + bright orange Spanish rice



And... um, this here Mexican Martini... 
tequila, cointreau, sprite, orange juice, lime, and green olives with pimentos

...also so very very Tex-Mex

Seriously, what more can I even say? Where do people come up with this stuff?

If nothing else will do it for you, Trudy's is the place where you finally realize that Tex-Mex is it's own cuisine. It is not Mexican food, but it's not American food either. 

When people come visit Texas they often say "Oh man, let's go get some great Mexican food!" And yes, you can get great Mexican food in Texas; we do share a border with Mexico. You can also get great Indian food in Texas, and great Italian food, etc. Just make sure while you're in Texas you sample some of the Tex-Mex too. And for those of us who live here, don't even dig on the Tex-Mex by saying it isn't authentic. Oh yes it is; it's just not Mexican food. 

For me, the boundary line between Mexican and Tex-Mex is often blurred because I haven't traveled a lot in Mexico, so I'm not really sure what's what. But sometimes you run across a meal full of fried avocados and and you realize, yeah this is clearly in a category of its own.

Trudy's - 409 West 30th St.

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