Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 24: Elotes in a Push-Cart Near You

Elotes is the Spanish word for corn mixed with butter, cheese, mayonaise, and salsa. I know mayonaise in a cup with corn might sound gross, even if you like mayonaise, but it's not. The corn is crispy and warm, covered in butter and creaminess, with crumbly queso fresco, and spicy red salsa. Elotes are terrible for you, but that's what makes them delicious.

We found our elotes in front of the Fiesta on Ross in Dallas - Fiesta is a grocery store that caters predominantly to Mexican and Latin American customers. 

No matter where you find your elotes, they will probably be in a push cart or trailer because in Mexico, elotes are street food - to be eaten while walking from place to place. In Texas you can find elotes all over the place. I hear that in Dallas Taqueria El Si Hay in Oak Cliff has the best Elotes and in Austin Yelp indicates El Maná Taqueria la Fruteria on Westminster or a push cart at our very own Fiesta have great elotes. 

I'd like to issue a challenge to readers. Go try elotes anywhere you can find them and post a review on Yelp. It was really hard to pick a good elotes spot because not many folks are reviewing them on Yelp. Do it! Your mouth and Yelpers will thank you!

Elotes Cart at the Fiesta on Ross in Dallas - 5334 Ross Ave

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